Supplying AgroMoor with microbial solutions to jointly create a better world through improved soil, plant, and ecosystem quality for all.
Acela's Mission
Acela's mission is to accelerate innovative solutions for the world’s toughest problems through the use of microbial technology. Facing rising populations, climate change, and limited access to water, Acela believes microbes can fundamentally change the way we approach many of these global problems through more effective and sustainable methods. The Acela Biotek team is driven by a passion for sustainable solutions and a commitment to create a better world for the future.
Acela's Timeline
January 2006 - Dr. Lalithakumari Janarthanambegan began isolating microbes at Michigan State University.
February 2009 - Technology commercialized under the name Sumagrow.
December 2011 - Popular Science Grand Award for Forage Boost, a Sumagrow product.
September 2014 - First United States Patent granted.
April 2017 - Second United States Patent granted.
June 2017 - Sumagro technology re-branded as LALITHA 21 in recognition of one of the co-inventors.
November 2017 - LALITHA 21 received OMRI listing.