Our product is being utilized worldwide to transform the way we interact with agriculture.

Bellville TX Olives

olive orchard, bellville tx

We deployed the LALITHA 21 formulation at an olive orchard in Bellville Texas; the microbial fertilizer has supported the olive trees since their initial planting in October 2017. Despite record low temperatures and extended periods of freezing weather, the treated trees are bearing fruit. All untreated trees (the control group) perished at the hands of the cold weather.



Olive Orchard, Brenham Tx

Our product is currently in use at an olive orchard in Brenham Texas. The orchard has experienced substantial tree losses, as well as slowed tree growth, due to alternating severe freezing and drought conditions. The LALITHA 21 formulation provides both freeze protection and drought resistance that could greatly impact the health of these trees. The product was deployed in June 2018; we expect this customer to see positive results by early fall 2018.



Your operation?

The LALITHA21 formulation has been successfully employed as an alternative to chemical fertilizers in over 60 different crop varieties over the past ten years. AgroMoor is dedicated to expanding the scope of tested crops and will conduct the necessary field trials to demonstrate the impact for untested crop varieties. Contact our team today to have the efficacy of our product evaluated on your specialty crop.